Room Planner > Blog > Interior Design > 12 awesome bathroom furniture ideas in 2022

There are a lot of questions about what to prefer when choosing the future style of any room. The bathroom is not the exception, but there are many more aspects to take into consideration. Bathroom furniture design ideas should be appropriate not only according to the trends, but first of all, to the requirements of a person who will use it. So what bathroom furniture designs are the most trendy and comfortable for use?
The types of the furniture for the bathroom
In fact, there are a lot of furniture types appropriate for the shower room, but all of units can be roughly divided in following groups:
freestanding cabinets and other furniture (they are not connected with the other items present in the room and usually are free to move them if needed);
complexed furniture (which is the system of all the cabinets and shelves present in the bathroom for storage and space organisation, cannot be moved easily, usually stand back to some wall hiding all the communications);
mounted to the wall in a way that furniture does not touch the floor (under vanity, for example, there is some space from the bottom base to the floor, which allows to clean the surface easily and looks not so unwieldy);
installed at the floor and creating a separate cabinet for storage and hiding the communications (no need to use special equipment for mounting to the wall or any other way, usual and comfortable option to use).
In fact, all the bathroom trends of 2022 suppose the possibility to use all of these types of furniture, but in totally different ways. Read below and learn about the best bathroom furniture ideas of 2022.
Materials and surfaces
The most popular trend now is mixing. All you need to know is that mixing materials helps you to reach absolutely unpredicted effects, and everything you’re limited by is your imagination. In fact, mixing materials helps not only to refresh the visual appearance of the room, but also to reach new levels of functionality depending on how you use these combinations.

One of the most smart solutions nowadays is using various materials for countertops in bathrooms. Just the same as in the kitchen you can choose natural materials like granite, marble, or engineered stones like quartz. If it’s too expensive, there’s always an opportunity to use different kinds of tiles and other cheaper materials. Solid surface is also a good solution, much more customizable than using the whole slabs of natural stone.
You can also use imitation textures. These are more affordable, and more durable than natural ones sometimes, because of the technologies of manufacturing.
Under a countertop made of natural or man-made stone there can be wooden furniture, adding more comfort and visual warmth to the bathroom. It’s not necessary that the furniture in bathroom is of natural colour – it can be painted or treated in any other way you prefer, but the fact is that it's a much more versatile solution than glass cabinets, for example.

By the way, glass is also a good variant to use in combinations. If you have a screen for instance, it would be an interesting idea to place some glass items or details in other parts of the shower room in order to create a more harmonic style. Bathroom furniture design can have glass details too, in the storage cabinet doors, for example. Finally, if you want to create a magnificent effect of your bathroom design, it’s always possible to order a whole glass (or recycled glass) counter. Stunning visuals are guaranteed! The same situation is with mirrors.
So, summarising, you can mix whatever materials you prefer: wood, ceramics, glass, stainless steel, natural or man-made stones, even paper – if you’re sure it looks well and functions properly.

Colour and style
In the discussion of colour and style it should be said that the main trend of 2022 is a contrast. Just the same way as with mixing the materials and textures, it’s about colours.
Contemporary bathroom furniture, like the whole design tendency, tends to be of light and bright colours with the contrast elements integrated. The white and grey colours, let’s say traditional, are still in trend, though today they should not create some impression of a clinic, but be more cosy and luxurious. This is where the details and decorations play the most important role. Vintage elements, golden or black accents create more modern visuals, and add some gloss to the bathroom furniture design.

Bright colours are becoming trendy as well. There is a good chance to use the blue palette for unique bathroom furniture and the entire design. As the natural gleam of the glass is light blue, this material will only complete that charm of deep blue contrast shades. Calming green is also a way to emphasise the relaxation in the bathroom. Colour of mint is now becoming exceptionally popular, with the combinations of light rose, yellow, orange and contrastive dark turquoise and black. Matte black is also popular not only for decorative items, but for trimming as well. Bright warm terracotta orange has its place in the trends to design bathroom furniture too.
Style mixing is also desirable according to modern design tendencies. It means that you can mix not only close styles, but diametrically opposed as well. You can find photos of bathroom cabinets, where there are present elements of industrial, vintage and minimalist styles at the same time, and what’s more – it looks magnificent.
So, remember that if you want to show your creativeness, you have no limits at all. Just create what you want with the Room Planner App and turn it into reality with the boldest decorations and solutions you can imagine. In the question of bathroom ideas furniture has one of the key roles, and using it is another chance to broaden your design conception.

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